Ibu semalam aku mimpi ketemu ibu, aku bermanja dalam belaian dan dekapanmu. Ibu semoga bahagia disana, disisi sang pencipta. diampuni semua dosa, dilapangkan dan diterangkan tempat kau berada, Ibu tatapan, senyuman, kasih sayang, selalu terkenang, selalu terbayang, di saat aku dalam suka dan duka, Ibu hanya doa yang bisa kupanjatkan, semoga kau damai disisiNya. Amin
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang mungkin bisa kau rindu Karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu Oh karena hati telah letih
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang selalu bisa kau sentuh Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku selalu memujamu Tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati Oh bayanganmu seakan-akan
Kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku yang memanggil rinduku padamu seperti udara yang kuhela kau selalu ada
Hanya dirimu yang bisa membuatku tenang Tanpa dirimu aku merasa hilang dan sepi...dan sepi
Kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku yang memanggil rinduku padamu seperti udara yang kuhela kau selalu ada selalu ada....kau selalu ada. selalu ada...kau selalu ada.
Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa untuk sekolah-sekolah SMA dan SMK RSBI di kembangkan penggunaan sistem IT. IT di sekolah=sekolah RSBI diterapkan baik untuk sistem administrasi sekolah atau e-school administration system yang meliputi materi pembelajaran, pelaksanaan test, nilai, remidiasi, pengayaan maupun pelaksanaan KBM . Untuk menunjang semua itu maka pada hari Kamis tgl 29 April dan Jum'at 30 April 2010, MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA dan SMK Tingkat Propinsi Jateng, Diknas kerjasama dengan SEAMOLEC mengadakan pelatihan Cyberclass. Pelatihan itu dilaksanakan di MAN 1 Magelang yang pesertanya adalah guru-guru bahasa Inggris SMA dan SMK se Jawa Tengah. Untuk MGMP SMA pelatihan ini sudah beberapa kali diselenggarakan tetapi untuk MGMP SMK baru kali pertama di sertakan atau diundang. Adapun materi pelatihan meliputi Pembuatan content, Streaming Program, Pembuatan Blog, Upload Content dll. Diharapkan dengan adanya pertemuan ini akan terjalin Cyberclass antara sekolah-sekolah SMA dan SMK RSBI, baik para guru maupun para siswa siswa. Dengan kegiatan antara lain mailing list, creative on writing baik topic tertentu ataupun bebas, beri comments dsb. Bravo Cyberclass SMA dan SMK RSBI, semoga sukses.
Before I start my day, I always used to pray because I believe in everything I do will be better if I start with a pray, surrender to God, and ask for protection for all my day. My activities that I do before leaving is to help my uncle and aunt, and my grandfather at home, because now I living with them and two brothers, I help what I can, such us cleaning my bedroom, sweeping, washing dishes, cleaning the motorcycle, cook, etc. After all I am go to take a bath and prepare to go to school, but before going to school I always took time for have breakfast, because it is very important to make me fit as long day. If the holiday or Sunday, I could get up a little more daylight, the next I do my week activities, such as washing the shoes, washing motorcycle, helping my aunt to cook a cake, because on Sunday my aunt is not work, she loved to cook cakes on Sunday and I like to help her.
If I go to a place, I would choose to invite my friend, my best friend. We've been close since the tenth grade, We both follow the same activity that is PASKIBRA. I always like to talk a lot of things with her. I think we are unique, because many things are so simple, but it can be very unusual when we talk about it. Like when we were talking about that fish sleep with open eyes, it could not even blink its eyes, it’s so silly, isn’t it? But I liked the absurdity. In which almost everyone does not think about it, instead became a great subject for us. We both believe that aliens have green color, yes green, and we assume that it’s so silly when people say they’re purple. But beyond all that, I love her, I love her so much, because when I fall, she reached out her hand to help me up, when I cried she who provided much tissue to wipe my tears. We talked about our lives, about the outlook on life and our dreams. So many miracles that we find when we were together, and so many lessons that I can from our time together.
Things are always what you bring? things I should always carry a box of honesty, because I think it is very important, than money, or HP. I always try to suggesting myself to always carry it. Because I believe that only with honesty we can get something more useful than if we just take the money. So hard to explain now, but if you've tried, then it will clear by itself. So if someone asks "what's always you bring?" then I will confidently say "I'll always bring my honesty"
The most powerful weapon that I know now is "tongue". Tongue is like a double-edged sword. Prowess has proved a lot in, for example the corruptors could easily free from the criminal case and the law simply by rotating the turn of truth in his words, with his tongue. Don’t you see how great this weapon is?Does not like the example, I certainly would not use it for something like that, it was very embarrassing. I chose this weapon, because I'm an ordinary girl who is physically very weak in comparison with men. If I train this weapon, I believe I could have beat them physically much stronger than me. But I have to learn about how to use this kind of weapon, because I don’t want to be broken by my own weapon.
A hamster. I have two hamsters, they are very cute, adorable, which I gave a name for the male "Rong Rong", I knew this is cat's name, but I like it. While the female named Bonna, why do I choose Bonna with double "n"? Because it was the second spouse, another one was die. Because of this replacement, I named Bonna. They are really cute, light brown fur and dark brown, when they’re sleeping, they looked like a ball of fur, so soft. When they play in the wheel that can spin when they run in it, that will make me sit down to spend time just to watch it, enjoying their behavior. If I could, I wanted to take them for a walk, to put them in my pocket.
I want to live in a world where everyone can respect each other, which togetherness is so important, in a world which more peaceful than the current world where we live in.
I'll ask the magic powder that can give people more sense of gratitude, because now many people forget to say thank, they forget that this day they are still given a chance to feel the air when they’re breathing, feel the wind, listen to the people who they love’s saying, and more.
Dengan adanya perkembangan ICT yang demikian pesat, SEAMOLEC bekerjasama dengan Disdikpora Solo untuk peserta para guru. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pembelajaran E-Learning Berbasis ICT. Diklat dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9-12 September 2009 bertempat di SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta. Adapun peserta diklat adalah guru-guru SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK baik negeri maupun swasta jumlahnya kurang lebih 70 peserta. Diklat dibuka secara resmi oleh Kadisdikpora Solo Drs Rakhmat Sutomo, MPd pada hari Rabu tanggal 9-September-2009, setelah sebelumnya diawali dengan Laporan Panitya yang disampaikan oleh Drs. Sugianto. Dan dilanjutkan dengan pengisian yang dipimpin oleh Training Manager SEAMOLEC yaitu bapak Mangasa Aritonang, MA. Adadapun materi pelatihan adalah: Pembelajaran Facebook, Pembuatan E-mail, Pembelajaran Wiki, Program Mapping and Learning Object Material, Searching Tips, Introduction to Moodle, Manage Content Moodle, Assessment Theory, Assessment Moodle, Communication Moodle, dan Sea Edunet. Pelatihan yang akan dilaksanakan selama 4 hari ini sangat menarik, apalagi dengan latar belakang pengetahuan guru-guru tentang IT yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang sudah pakar taoi ada pula yang masih setengah-setengah, tapi justru itu yang membuat pelatihan berjalan cukup seru dan menarik. Pelatihan yang dimulai dari jam 08.00 sampai dengan jam16.00 ini jadi tidak terasa. Bagi peserta yang puasa menganggap sebagai ngabuburit. Semoga semua berhasil sukses dan bisa menerapkannya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Selamat dan sukses.